Investment and Turkish Citizenship

How does the Turkish Republic grant citizenship?

Turkey is one of the countries in the world that grants the right to obtain its citizenship in exchange for real estate investment and an investment loan of $ 400,000

Which made many people refer to it for several factors, which we will mention to you:

The investor obtains Turkish citizenship with his wife and children under the age of 18, and the amount of investment is low compared to the countries that grant their citizenship in exchange for investment.

The strength of the Turkish passport

1- The Turkish passport for 2021 ranks 52nd in the world and allows its holder to enter more than 110 countries around the world without a visa, with an electronic fast visa, or at the airport.

2- The holder of Turkish citizenship enjoys the full rights of the Turkish citizen, including health insurance and free or reduced medicine.

3- The family of the owner, who in turn obtained Turkish citizenship, obtains the right to free education in Turkish schools and universities and facilities in all countries through the Turkish embassy in that country.

4- The investor can also get a lot of social and financial services and ease of travel.

5- Turkey guarantees you to live in luxury and safety and to benefit from health, education and post-retirement services.

6- Inheriting the property completely to the heirs, as stipulated by Turkish law.

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